Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cool Yummy Breakfast Idea on a Hot Summer's Day

As you guys know, I dropped my BFF (my Canon) and I'm still looking for the right replacement.  So please forgive the bad pics lately.  Hoping your cooler where you are, than we are here in Texas.  Okay, this is one of those "NO RECIPE NECESSARY" post.  Just have fun with it. Use whatever you like or have on hand and a few sprinkles of grape nuts is also deee-lish.  I used about a 1/4 cup or so of vanilla yogurt and, as you can see chopped fresh strawberries and East Texas blueberries. However much you prefer as far as the fruit goes. I was actually cleaning up leftover fruit from the fridge.  This is nothing new, just thought I'd share an idea for a healthy and quick breakfast.
Pray for rain for us!