Lyonnaise Potatoes is simply the French version of American home fries with onion. Most recipes I've come across over the years call for par boiling the potatoes before frying. I'm American and I want this dish crispy, so I skip this step and instead add a cover to the frying pan like my mother and grandmother before her. I also add a touch more garlic and butter. What can I say, everything is better with butter and garlic, right?

4 slices bacon
1/2 stick butter, diced
8 russet or golden potatoes, washed, peeled and sliced into rounds
1 yellow onion, thinly sliced 
5 cloves garlic,  minced 

1 slight handful fresh parsley, chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste 
Olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a frying pan on medium high, fry bacon and render fat. Set fried bacon aside and use fat along with butter to fry potatoes and onions. When potatoes are almost done and crispy, add garlic and cover the pan. Continue to fry until potatoes are golden in color and crisp, yet tender.Add salt and pepper and bake skillet in oven for an additional 15 to 20 minutes. Be sure to use a skillet that is oven proof, including handles.
Serve hot and with a dollop of sour cream or Greek yogurt.